
Our Vision

Our strategic vision is to see the positive impact of collective and joined up senior stakeholder efforts which ultimately open up increasing channels of opportunity for executives from ethnic minority backgrounds into senior positions.

Our Mission

Race Action Through Leadership is a collaborative initiative bringing together senior insurance leaders of colour and senior Board level leaders from across the industry to create a stronger voice to influence change within the industry, particularly amongst its most senior leaders. Through the strategy below, RATL aims to amplify the increased representation of Black, Asian, Mixed and other Minority Ethnic professionals at all levels of the insurance industry, as a sector that welcomes, respects and benefits from race fluency, cultural awareness and cultural differences.

Our Strategy

To achieve its mission, RATL shall:

  • Collaborate with C-suite insurance leaders to drive alignment of actions across the insurance market, to increase the representation of Black, Asian, Mixed and other Minority Ethnic professionals and improve racial inclusivity; 

  • Advise, provide counsel to and educate Boards on the required actions;

  • Support the development of senior insurance leaders of colour and showcase them to the market;

  • Support, mentor, sponsor the future insurance leaders of colour; and

  • Collaborate with relevant networks/organisations in the market to ensure alignment and support.