RATL’s is focussed on elevating ethnic groups that are underrepresented in the insurance industry at all levels.

Excellence and Diversity in Leadership across the industry


Our Focus

RATL’s scope is focussed on elevating ethnic groups that are underrepresented in the insurance industry. This will include focussing on a range of ethnic groups as necessary over time starting with an immediate focus from the 2020 launch on Black talent and professionals.  

RATL purpose

Amplifying the influence of senior insurance leaders of colour to increase racial diversity and inclusivity

RATL mission

RATL is an initiative bringing together senior insurance leaders of colour to create a stronger voice to influence the industry, particularly its most senior leaders. Through the strategy below, RATL aims to influence the increased representation of Black, Asian, Mixed and other Minority Ethnic professionals at all levels of the insurance industry, a sector that welcomes, respects and benefits from cultural differences.

RATL strategy

To achieve its mission, RATL shall:

a) collaborate to drive alignment of actions across the insurance market, to increase the representation of Black, Asian, Mixed and other Minority Ethnic professionals and improve racial inclusivity; 

b) advise, provide counsel to and educate Boards on the required actions;

c) support the development of senior insurance leaders of colour and showcase them to the market;

d) support, mentor, sponsor the future insurance leaders of colour; and

e) collaborate with relevant networks/organisations in the market to ensure alignment and support.


Dedicated Senior Leaders

RATL’s Advisory group comprises a small group of senior insurance leaders of colour from the insurance market. Advisory group members should be sufficiently senior to influence Chairpersons and CEOs in their respective organisations and in the wider market. 

The Advisory Group is responsible overall for delivering RATL’s mission through developing and implementing the strategy for doing so.  


Cross Industry Connections

Help us succeed 

Our ambassadors are CEOs and Chairs in the insurance market, who can promote racial equality across all levels of their organisations. They'll help us deliver change across the sector through both supporting others, and holding their actions to account.

RATL Advocates – RATL Advocates actively support the work and actions required to deliver the strategy.

RATL Ambassadors – RATL Ambassadors are Chairpersons, CEOs or equivalent in the insurance market who commit to:

· actively promote the need for increasing racial equity and representation at all levels of their respective organisations and the wider insurance industry;

· implementing the advice and actions championed by RATL; and

. support other signatories and collectively hold each other to account for delivery of the actions.